Lecture at Politecnico di Milano
Lecture by Dirk Somers at Politecnico di Milano
Tuesday 10/12 18:30h, Room 2.0.2, Edificio 2, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32, 20133 Milano
Lecture at AVU
Lecture by Dirk Somers at porada Skola architektury AVU
Friday 06/12 18:00h, Veletrzni 826/61, 170 00 Praha 7 – Holesovice.
First prize for the Open Call competition for the refurbishment of the Beursschouwburg in Brussels
Happy to announce that we won the Open Call competition to refurbish the iconic Beursschouwburg. Sustainable and radical empathy: our scheme builds upon the koolhaasian wunderkammer concept introduced 25 years ago by B-architecten and on the insights of the masterplan by De Smet Vermeulen Architecten.
Lecture at TU Delft
Lecture by Dirk Somers at Interiors Buildings Cities design studio at TU Delft.
Friday 29/11 13:45h, Room T, Julianalaan 134, 2628 BL Delft.
European Heritage Award
We are happy to share that the European Commission and Europa Nostra announced that Royale Belge is among the ‘2024 winners of the European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards’ in the category of ‘Conservation & Adaptive Reuse’.
- Website: Europa Nostra /
Lecture at TU Delft
Lecture by Dirk Somers on some observations about facades for Interiors Buildings Cities design studio at TU Delft.
Friday 11/10 13:45h, Room F, Julianalaan 134, 2628 BL Delft.
Bonding Brick #5
Contribution by Dirk Somers on project Werfstraat, Brussels, to the 20th KNB MasterClass Bonding Brick #5
Thursday 19/09, Berlage Hall, TUDelft
Lecture at ULiège
Lecture on Composite Presence following an atelier for the Bsc. Architecture at the ULiège
Wednesday 18/09 14H, Thiry auditorium, Place République Française, 35, 4000 Liège
- Photographer: Filip Dujardin /
Technicity 2 Campus competition won!
We won the competition run by Bouwmeester Maitre Architecte for the Technicity 2 campus in Brussels! The florentine warehouse was done in collaboration with Czvek Rigby among others.
Win in a competition for a refurbishment of Ter Plaeten building in Ghent
Our competition project to refurbish the brutalist Ter Plaeten office building in Ghent into a mixed use building was granted a first prize! The design made together with Jaspers-Eyers Architects consists of a new typological arrangement and a lighter alter ego that adds a new layer of complexity to the brutalist body.
Deelname aan Architect@work met als thema “Super Skin” met reflecties op het ontwerp van gevels door David de Bruijn voor Bovenbouw
Woensdag 11 september, Hal 1 van Ahoy Rotterdam
- Website: Architect@work /
London Summerschool
Dirk Somers participates in a five day summer school organised by The Architecture Foundation at the Caruso St John-designed St Pancras Campus, London.
From Wednesday 11/09 until and including Sunday 15/09 (10 am-5pm).
- Website: Summerschool 2024 /
Nomination ARC Architecture Award
The Royale Belge project is nominated for the ARC24 Architecture Award because it’s an exemplary project that makes an important contribution to the wider societal cultural value of architecture.
The winner of the ARC24 Architecture Award will be announced at ARC24 Podium in Rotterdam on 26 September.
- Website: ARC24 Architectuur Award /
A dense suburbanity – lecture
Series of lectures organised by the atelier URBAN NATURE for the academic year 2023.24, archi.ulb.be/un-urban-nature, as part of the Erasmus+ NeRu|New Ruralities programme.
Tuesday the 30th of April, 10:00 AM, ULB Faculté d’Architecture, La Cambre Horta, Campus rue du Lombard
Consolidations – lecture
Part of a lecture series “here + there” by established architectural practices and researchers that explore various topics of architectural discourse.
Thursday the 18th of April, 7:00 PM, Aula der Fakultät für Architektur, München.
WOHNEN abitare oggi/living today lecture
The lecture series intends to bring attention back to a key topic in architectural education by bringing to the Academy of Mendrisio a series of European architectural practices that in different ways have successfully addressed the issue of living.
Thursday the 21st of March, 6:30 PM, Teatro dell’architettura, Mendrisio.
Two prestigious awards for Royal Belge at MIPIM Awards 2024
Thrilled to announce that Royal Belge has clinched not one, but two prestigious awards for the Best Conversion Project and Best Mixed-use Project at MIPIM 2024 Awards!
Thursday, 14th of March, Palais des Festivals, Cannes.
- Website: MIPIM 2024 /
Royal Belge among finalists at MIPIM 2024
Royal Belge was chosen as one of two Belgian projects to the finals of the next MIPIM Awards, which will be awarded at the international real estate show. The building is competing in two categories: best conversion project and best mixed-use project.
From 12th to 15th of March, Palais des Festivals, Cannes.
- Website: MIPIM 2024 /
RES Award for Royal Belge
The Real Estate Society (RES) on the 22nd of February announced the winners of the 6th edition of the RES Awards. The renovation of Royal Belge made in collaboration Caruso St John Architects and DDS+ has gained recognition and won the award for the best commercial development.
- Website: RES Awards /
Extremely weird and confusing lecture
The lecture without a subject, besides the work of the practice, of which the subject is unclear. 5th lecture of the series organised by Modulor, University of Antwerp.
Tuesday the 27th of February, 7:00 PM, UAntwerp, Antwerp.
- Website: Modulor Antwerpen /
Interiors Buildings Cities
Lecture “Some reflections on Facades” for the masterstudio Interiors Buildings Cities at the Faculty of Architecture from the TU Delft.
The studio focuses on architecture accommodating different scales and gradations of public life in the city, going from the street to public interiors.
Friday the 24th of November, 3:00 PM, TU Delft, Delft.
- Website: Interiors Buildings Cities /
Hollein Calling
Among 15 European architecture practices, Bovenbouw architectuur will be part of the exhibition ‘Hollein Calling’ in Vienna. The exhibition re-evaluates Hollein’s work from a contemporary perspective and its influence on architecture today.
Thursday 21st September 2023 – Monday 12th February 2024,
daily from 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM, Architekturzentrum Wien, Vienna
- Website: Hollein Calling /
Architectuur in de Kijker
We will give a guided tour through Tabloo, a Visitor Centre fot a Nuclear Waste Disposal Facility by ono architectuur and Bovenbouw Architectuur.
Wednesday 20th September 2023, 2:00 PM, Dessel
- Website: AR-TUR /
Dag van de Architectuur
Together with VAi we organize guided tours through recently opened Royale Belge.
A reconversion of a former office building into a hotel, restaurant, offices, fitness & wellness, … we teamed up for with Caruso St John architects and DDS+.
Sunday 10 September 2023, 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
organized by Vlaams Architectuurinstituut
- Website: Festival van de architectuur /
25 best architecture firms in Belgium
Bovenbouw is appraised in Archello’s list “25 best architecture firms in Belgium“.
Tabloo, a Visitor Centre for a Nuclear Waste Disposal Facility together with ono architectuur.
- Website: Archello /
Perimeter block
Atelier Sergison from the Academy of Architecture in Mendrisio (Università della Svizzera Italiana) will end its Spring Semester 2023, dedicated to a “Perimeter block”, with their final review.
Professor Jonathan Sergison, Cristina Roiz de la Parra Solano, Flavia Saggese will have discussions together with guests Janina Gosseye and Dirk Somers about the student projects.
Thursday 1 June, 9 am, Palazzo Canavée, Mendrisio, Svizzera.
- Website: Academy of Architecture /
We have moved!
We’ve moved!
From now on you can find us on our new address:
Lange Lobroekstraat 149, 2060 Antwerpen.
- Website: Contact /
The New Together
Tabloo, a Visitor center for Nuclear waste disposal facility together with ONO architectuur will be part of the exhibition ‘The New Together’ by Platform.
May 20th – July 30th, Casa Platform (Scuola Grande della Misericordia), Venice.
- Website: The New Together /
- Editors: Daniela Garbillo /
Die Detmolder Räume
An interdisciplinary workshopweek has its apotheosis with the “Detmolder-Räume Konferenz” in the Lippisches Landesmuseum of Detmold.
With a conversation about building ‘further’ between Miriam Van der Lubbe, Dirk Somers, Ella Ziegler and Anna Tscherch.
Wednesday the 10th of May, 20.30H, Lippisches Landesmuseum Detmold, Detmold.
- Website: Detmold Design Transfer /
Oase #113
Presentation “OASE#113” about authorship(s).
A conversation between Veronique Patteeuw, Eva De Bruyn, Dirk Somers and Maarten Van Den Driessche.
Wednesday the 26th of April, 12.00H, Faculteitsbibliotheek Ingenieurswetenschappen en Architectuur, Universiteit Gent, Gent.
- Website: Oase /
Living in Monnikenheide: Care, inclusion and architecture
Book launch “Living in Monnikenheide: Care, inclusion and architecture” from the Flanders Architecture Institute and architect-philosopher Gideon Boie.
With a conversation between Olav Grondelaers and Erik Wieërs, Dirk Somers, Heleen Verheyden, Inge Vervotte and Resident Monnikenheide.
Tuesday the 25th of April, 20.00H, De Singel, Blue Hal, Antwerp.
- Website: Vlaams Architectuurinstituut /
Completion Care Campus
The care campus in Ekeren got completed.
Geschichte im Entwurf
Lecture “Geschichte im Entwurf” for the Faculty of Architecture at the Technische Universität Dresden.
Wednesday the 25th of January, 19.00H, TU D, Dresden.
- Website: Lecture Geschichte im Entwurf /
New perspectives
Lecture “Een nieuw huis voor Architectuur” on the Beguinage of Hasselt for Architectenhuiskamer.
Thursday the 13th of October, Z33, Hasselt.
A castle for children
Bovenbouw wins a competition to build a nursery, a center for child care and family support and an after school care facility on the site of the Kinderkasteeltje in Nazareth.
Composite Presence at Z33
Exhibition Composite Presence travels to Hasselt, Z33.
Opening night, Saturday the 1st of October, 20H-2H.
Register at: Opening night fall program
Takeaways and projects
Takeaways and projects, keynote lecture at Berlage on the 15th of September.
Lecture on the work of Bovenbouw part of the “Architecture in the age of Neoliberalism”-series, at Studio Kempe Thill of Leibniz University Hannover.
Tuesday 03/05/2022, 19H
In progress, Reuse of the Royale Belge in Brussels
Lecture by Wim Boesten about the Royale Belge project (in collaboration with Caruso St John Architects and DDS+) for the TU Delft.
Settings, paths, scenes
Lecture for University of Antwerp, organised by Modulor.
Thursday 17/03/22, 13H.
Lecture ICA
Stuivenberg site, Antwerp
Team Bovenbouw Architectuur-Korteknie Stuhlmacher Architects-BOOM Landscape-Sabine Okkerse has been appointed to shape the redevelopment of the Stuivenberg site in Antwerp-North.
Sint-Benedictus, Mortsel
Team Bovenbouw-Bart De Haene-Ciril submit the winning competition proposal for a residential development in Mortsel center.
Care campus progression
The works on the care campus in Ekeren proceed..
OASE 108 and 109
Online presentation of OASE 108/Ups & Downs and Oase 109/On Modernities with Dirk Somers amongst others.
Friday 14/01/2022, 15H-17.30H
Lecture at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture et de Paysage de Lille.
Thursday 09/12/21, 18.30H
Lecture EPFL
Lecture at the EPFL about the Composite Presence exhibition.
Tuesdat 23.11.21, 17.30H.
Urban Grace
Lecture series organized by Giancarlo Floridi and Cino Zucchi with contribution by Dirk Somers.
Monday 22/11/21, Politecnico di Milano, Milano.
Design by thinking of other designs
Participation in lecture series ‘Design-by-thinking-of-’ organised by Office Winhov Architects.
Wednesday 10/11/21, 19.30H, Amsterdam.
Institution Building
“Institution Building”, an exhibition organised bij CIVA, hosts in the chapter Preservation the Refurbishment of the Royale Belge building in Brussels (amongst other projects).
Ingressi Milanesi
Introduction to book launch & exhibition “Ingressi Milanesi” by Dirk Somers and Dirk De Meyer
Thursday 07/10/21,
Vandenhove, Rozier 1, 9000 Ghent
Designers’ Saturday
Dirk Somers is head of the Jury for the ‘Best Interior Award’ at the Designers’ Saturday 2021 in Oslo.
New Norwegian National Museum, 10/09-12/09, Oslo
Nomination for Brussels Architecture Prize 2021
The Werfstraat Brussels project is nominated for the Brussels Architecture Prize 2021, category “small intervention”.
Your vote is highly appreciated!
Some answers to your design questions – Bovenbouw Architectuur
Dirk Somers (Bovenbouw Architectuur) as part of the informal talk series
for the Contemporary is always over
Maybe there is architecture after ambiguity…?
UTS School of Architecture
Thursday 12th of August, 7.00pm
At the Biennale Architettura 2021, Bovenbouw Architectuur presents the exhibition ‘Composite Presence’ in the Belgian pavilion. By means of 50 reference projects, curator Dirk Somers shows the contemporary city in Flanders and Brussels in all its complexity.
Thursday 5th of August
- Website: civa.brussels /
Towards a new European practice
Series of round-table discussions organised by Architecture Workroom Brussels on Architecture and Transition and Landing the Green Deal with Dirk Somers, amongst others.
Thursday 10/06/2021 at 13H
- Website: The Great Transformation /
The Belgian Pavilion has opened!
Our scenography ‘Composite Presence’ for the Flemish architecture Institute has opened in Venice. This fictional model landscape simulates the potential to improve weak urban surroundings by an intense interplay between the middle ground of city architects and quality chambers on the one hand and designers on the other hand.
Play for Today: The Performance of Architecture
Dirk Somers was invited as a guest critic to David Kohn and Bushra Mohamed’s Diploma Unit 19 at Architectural Association School of Architecture.
- Website: aaschool.ac.uk /
Conversation piece
“Dirk Somers of Belgian practice Bovenbouw talks to Louis Mayes about the role of drawing, and the importance of viewing a sketch as a problem for discussion as much as a solution”
- Website: architecturetoday.co.uk /
Future home for Bovenbouw
Bovenbouw Architectuur is in the process of creating a new home.
Can we Live Together?
The British Council and Sto invites Dirk Somers as one of panelists in the online panel event on the topic “Can we Live Together?”
- Website: sto.com /
Q&A with Bovenbouw
Online lecture on Bovenbouw for the University of Sheffield
Lecture for the Oslo Association of Architecture
Online lecture for the Oslo Association of Architecture
Thinking figuratively
Thinking figuratively, online lecture organised by Archipel.
- Website: archipelvzw.be /
Alternative Histories Dublin
- Website: drawingmatter.org /
Writers and architects at Bozar
Flemish authors Charlotte Van den Broeck and Walter van den Broeck discuss their latest books in which architects play a central role. They are joined by a number of architects and architecture experts to reflect on this: Matilde Everaert and Dirk Somers. Bozar, Brussels.
- Website: bozar.be /
Bovenbouw wins Royale Belge
Bovenbouw Architectuur, working in collaboration with Caruso St John Architects, have won the competition to convert the former headquarters of AXA into a complex that includes apartments, offices, coworking and conference facilities along with a hotel and fitness centre.
Design: Dirk Somers and Wim Boesten in collaboration with Caruso St John Architects
Photograph: Séverin Malaud
- Website: bma.brussels /
De Groene Lente
A Care Home, De Drie Platanen, Ostend wins the public award “De Groene Lente”, category neighborhood park.
- Website: openbaargroen.be /
Biennale Architettura 2020
The Antwerp-based office Bovenbouw Architectuur has been appointed as curator of the exhibition in the Belgian pavilion at the Biennale Architettura 2020 in Venice.
Photograph: We Document Art